Have you thought about using an electronic filing system and investing your resources into getting rid of your paper filing system, and taking it online?
There are so many benefits to your organization filing paper-free and they’re not all about the environment.
Getting rid of paper files will mean that your business can be a lot more organized. Your documents will be easier to find, which means less time wasted hunting through filing cabinets and you can access them from wherever you are.
You’ll likely also save money when you think what you spend annually on printers, ink, postage, and physical storage.
We can also increase your data security. When everything is online it can be encrypted, locked behind passwords and protected by security software.
Of course, it does require time and resources to create a paperless file system, but once you’ve done it, you will definitely be glad you did.
Databranch can help you get started with a paperless filing system! Give us a call at 716-373-4467 x 15 or email [email protected] to learn more!
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