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How do you create cybersecurity superheroes?
By offering Security Awareness Training!
Databranch offers our client’s a Security Awareness Training Program called the Breach Prevention Platform.
This program helps you empower your human firewall by:
  • Providing ongoing training with weekly micro-trainings and monthly newsletters
  • Allowing you to set an example by actively participating in the program and setting expectations
  • Helping you encourage participation with the dynamic leaderboard and friendly competition
  • Showing you how to make cybersecurity a part of your company culture. Celebrate staff wins and review program progress during evaluations
  • Most importantly, having fun! You can create a fun screen name and get competitive!
With our Security Awareness Training Program, training is made easy through the use of the Employee Secure Score.
Gain insight into your organization’s human security threats at a glance.
Factoring in metrics such as training performance, program participation, and credential exposure, the Employee Secure Score – or ESS – analyzes your staff’s potential security risk to your organization.
Staff is assigned high, medium, or low-risk scores and given recommendations to reduce your organization’s overall risk level.
Every Thursday of the week: All staff should watch the Micro-Training video and take the accompanying quiz. The more Micro-Training quizzes they take, the higher their ESS!
The last Thursday of the month: All staff will receive an engaging, informative security newsletter. Feel free to share with friends and family!
These emails will come from [email protected] automatically!
You may have some questions or concerns about setting expectations for or motivating your employees; we are here to help!
How can you set expectations for you employees? Set compliance standards, and be an example, by going ALL IN!
  • Encourage all staff, including management, to participate in all training activities
  • Set deadlines for your team to take the training course
  • Make the Employee Secure Score a part of their employee evaluations
How do you motivate your employees? Celebrate a culture of cybersecurity!
  • Our program makes cybersecurity training FUN with a gamified leaderboard and friendly competition, so create a fun screen name and get started!
  • Celebrate low-risk employees and reward those with high Employee Secure Scores (ESS). Some organizations have quarterly competitions and give a gift card to the employee with the highest ESS!
Databranch is here to help prevent attacks from happening and to help keep your organization safe!
Give us a call today at 716-373-4467, email [email protected], or fill out the form below to learn more about Security Awareness Training!

Have you thought about using an electronic filing system and investing your resources into getting rid of your paper filing system, and taking it online? 

There are so many benefits to your organization filing paper-free and they’re not all about the environment. 

Getting rid of paper files will mean that your business can be a lot more organized. Your documents will be easier to find, which means less time wasted hunting through filing cabinets and you can access them from wherever you are. 

You’ll likely also save money when you think what you spend annually on printers, ink, postage, and physical storage.

We can also increase your data security. When everything is online it can be encrypted, locked behind passwords and protected by security software.

Of course, it does require time and resources to create a paperless file system, but once you’ve done it, you will definitely be glad you did.

Databranch can help you get started with a paperless filing system! Give us a call at 716-373-4467 x 15 or email [email protected] to learn more!

If you’re only using cell phones for business, you may as well paint a target on your back.
Since 2018, cyber-attacks on employees devices have increased year after year. It makes sense, they’re the perfect target for an attack.
People assume that their phones, and other devices, are untouchable; but the truth is, there’s malware (malicious software) out there waiting to strike because any device can be a goldmine of valuable data.
Most people use their devices all day every day and not just for personal use. They’ll access their work emails, documents and client data and their devices hold their passwords, their location history, and financial information.
Unfortunately, most businesses don’t take security seriously.
Here are three things you should do:
  1. If you don’t already, create policies for your business to ensure that lost or stolen devices are reported immediately; that updates are installed as soon as they become available; and that two-factor authentication, passcodes, or biometric logins are used.
  2. Give your entire team formal education in cyber security and the red flags to be aware of. Discourage your team from accessing public Wi-Fi and test them regularly on their security awareness.
  3. Make sure that data on employee devices is encrypted, and that you have a lockout policy in place if a login is entered incorrectly after a few attempts. This will block brute force attacks, where lots of possible passwords are repeatedly entered until the right one is found.
Mobile devices, like cell phones and laptops, are becoming a real area of data security weakness for businesses, so it’s important that you increase your protection, before it’s too late.
We can help to keep your business devices protected against security threats. Give us a call at 716-373-4467 or email [email protected] to learn how!


The Colonial Pipeline is a the largest pipeline system in the United States, supplying nearly half of the Eastern U.S. with fuel.

On April 29th, a group of hackers known as DarkSide, accessed the Colonial Pipeline network using a single compromised password and downloaded critical business information.

Then on May 7th, employees received a ransom note demanding payment in the form of cryptocurrency and caused the pipeline to be shut down for the first time in 57 years.

Because of this shutdown, and the effects it had on the country, Colonial Pipeline was forced to pay the $4.4 million ransom.

This attack shows us the how important it is to have and follow proper IT security protocols.

There is a growing enemy that plans these attacks and is getting stronger every day; organized cyber criminals.

No one is safe from these hackers, anyone could become a victim.

Ransomware is a growing crime that has become more significant since the start of the pandemic and more teams working from home.

However, there are several ways to prevent ransomware attacks:

  • Encrypt your email to prevent unwanted visibility into your sensitive data.
  • Back up your data regularly and keep these backups outside of your network.
  • Keep your networks up to date.
  • Educate your team on which emails to click on and which emails to question.
  • Implement an endpoint security platform

By taking these steps, you are going in the right direction to fight against ransomware. Databranch is here to help you prevent ransomware attacks from happening in your environment.

We have the tools to help you and your organization! To learn more about how we can help you, give us a call at 716-373-4467 x 15 or email [email protected]!


*Courtesy of MailProtector*


Logging in to your different applications, we mean?

Increasingly some apps are offering an alternative to just entering your email and password and we’re seeing more and more people using biometrics to log in. It’s great, because it’s almost impossible for someone to clone your face, your fingerprints or your retinas.
Around 150 million people are already using biometrics and with more and more devices, apps, and software giving you the option of using biometrics rather than traditional passwords, that number is only going to increase.
So how do you get started? 
You may already be using biometrics to access your phone with Face ID or fingerprint ID. Newer laptops and tablets are also now giving you this option to access your device, and to manage your passwords across online accounts and apps.
But where it doesn’t come as standard, or biometrics are not available, you can easily add an extra layer of protection when you login.
Two-factor, or multi-factor, authentication, reinforces your password with an additional layer of security to validate your identity and helps to protect against credential theft. You will often see this added through an authenticator app (our favorite at Databranch is DUO!).
As we’re seeing cyber-crime rise every year it makes sense to take any new measures you can to protect your business and its data.
If you would like two-factor authentication set up for your business, our team would love to help. Give us a call at 716-373-4467 x 15 or email [email protected] to learn how!
Administrative Privileges AI AI algorithms AI in Cybersecurity Annual Security Training Anti-Virus Artificial Intelligence Authenticator App Backup and Recovery Backup Redundancy BCDR BEC breach prevention Breach Prevention Platform Breaches business continuity Business Email Compromise Business Email Compromises Business Phone System Business Software BYOD Call Directory Cisco Cloud Accounts Cloud Data Backup Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Security Cloud Solutions Compliance Comprehensive Cybersecurity Compromised Credentials computer support Computer Upgrades Conditional Access Credential Theft Cyber Attacks Cyber Criminals Cyber Defenses Cyber Insurance cyber liability insurance Cyber Risk Management Cyberattacks Cyberinsurance cybersecurity Cybersecurity Awareness month Cybersecurity Breach Cybersecurity Culture Cybersecurity Strategy Cybersecurity Training Cybersecurity Webinar Dark Web Dark Web Monitoring Data Backup Data Backup and Recovery Data Backup Solution Data Breach Data Breaches Data Governance Data Management Data Privacy Compliance Data Privacy Regulation data protection Data Recovery Data Restoration Data Security deepfake Deepfakes Defense in Depth Denial of Service Device Security Disaster Recover Disaster Recovery DNS Filtering doug wilson employee cybersecurity training Endpoint Detection and Response field technician Foundation Security Gift Card Scams Hackers Hosted VoIP Hybrid work i.t. service provider Identity Theft incident response plan Incident Response Planning Insider Threats Internet Explorer Internet of Things Intrusion Detection Intrusion Prevention IoT Devices IT Budgeting IT Compliance IT Infrastructure IT Myths IT Partner IT Policies IT Resource IT Security IT Service Provider IT Services IT Support Juice Jacking Local Admin local admin privileges Lost Devices M365 malware Managed Clients Managed Detection and Response Managed IT managed service provider managed services Manages Services MDR MFA Microsoft Microsoft 356 Microsoft 365 Copilot Microsoft Office Mobile Devices MSP MSP501 Multi-Factor Authentication Network Monitoring Network Security Network Testing New Computer NIST Framework Offboarding Office 365 Outlook Outsourced IT password management Password Manager Password Managers Password Protection password security Passwords Patch Management Patches Patching PC Performance Penetration Testing Personal Data phishing Phishing Attacks PII Proactive Monitoring Processor productivity Professional Tune-Up Public WiFi Push-Bombing RAM Ransomware Ransomware Prevention Recovery point objective Recovery Time Calculator Recovery time objective Remote Monitoring Remote Working repeatbusinesssystems Ring Groups risk assessment Risk Management Risk Tolerance Rock-It VoIP RPO RTO RTO Costs SaaS SaaS Backup Scammers Scams security Security Assessment Security Awareness Training Security Defaults Security Key Security Scans SLAM Method Smishing SMS Social Engineering Social Media Security Software-as-a-Service Solid-State Drive Sponsored Google Ads SSD stolen credentials Storage Teams technical support scam technology best practices Technology Management Technology Policies Technology Review Threat Detection Threat Identification Threat Modeling Updates virus VoIP Systems VPN Vulnerabilities Vulnerability Assessment Vulnerability Management Warning Signs Webinar Windows 8.1 Work Computers World Backup Day zero trust policy